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Continuing Studies serves multiple audiences. Please read and select the appropriate application for your situation. Provide information in each of the following sections. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be completed in order to submit your application.

Continuing Studies Night or Online Degree Application:
Use this link to apply for admission into a Continuing Studies night or online degree program (this application is ONLY for degree-seeking students).

Non-Degree Student Application:
Use this link to register for undergraduate course(s) for fall, spring, summer or intersession terms (this application is NOT for degree-seeking students).

Certificate Program Application:
Use this link to apply for admission into the TESOL, Teaching in a Virtual/Online K-12 Environment, Youth Services Certificate, Unmanned Aviation Systems Undergraduate Certificate, Global Languages & Cultures Certificate or Drone Certificate program.

Non-Credit Application:
Use this link to apply for admission into Contract Training, MTEL Prep, PALS Prep, Cyber Security Professional Development, Pre-Cyber MassHire, or Senior College courses.

If you forgot your password, you can click on the Forgotten Password link to reset your password. If you have been locked out of your account or you have difficulty resetting your password, please call 508.531.2788.

